We have over 300+ of email backgrounds (themes, stationery) you can use in your email messages. Simply select your favorite background from our ever-growing collection and make your email incredible. Everyone receiving your email will be amazed!
Bonus features:
- Built-in Emoji Keyboard to let you easy insert Emoji icons while writing your email message.
- Auto converts emoji icons to image so they can be seen by any device (pc, computer desktop, smart phones...)
- Easy create Bold, Italic, Underlined text as well as adjust font size and color.
Over 300 themes in 27 categories:
- Abstract
- Animals
- Anniversary
- Birthday
- Flowers
- Fun
- Love
- Mothers Day
- Nature
- Patterns
- Sports
- Fathers Day
- Wedding
- Baby
- Get Well
- Thank You
- Summer
- Halloween
- Fall
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- Winter
- New Year
- Valentine
- Easter
and more coming soon...